Archive for October 27, 2021


Still waiting…

It’s funny to be writing this on a chilly and blustery day, but overall this has been an extraordinarily warm fall. By this point, we expect to have gotten our first frost or at least to have gotten close, but temperatures haven’t gotten anywhere near that point. As a result, much of our fall crops are far ahead of where we expect or plan them to be at this point. We’re harvesting lettuce and radishes out of the hoop house that we’re normally not starting to harvest until late November or early December. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that colder weather is on the horizon. While, as a human, it...


One of the best parts of farming is having the opportunity to grow and try new things. I had never had escarole until about 10 years ago when I tried it at an Italian restaurant in Philadelphia sautéed, as is traditional, with a ton of garlic. I instantly fell in love and decided that I would grow escarole myself. Since then, my love of this leafy green veggie has only grown. Escarole looks nearly indistinguishable from lettuce, but is most commonly eaten cooked. The best thing about cooked escarole is the way it sucks up the flavors of whatever it is cooked with. It makes an excellent warm and flavorful...

Fall ups and downs

As is usual with autumn in our region, we’ve bounced right back to late summer weather, with hotter, humid weather over the past few days. My body seems to have already moved on to fall and has not been to happy being outside in the heat and humidity. I’m definitely looking forward to the return of cooler weather, although, when the forecast is for highs in the 80s with a chance of thunderstorms, it’s hard to believe that our average first frost date is in just a couple weeks!  If nothing else, the warmer weather will help to give some of the late fall crops a bit of a boost...


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