
Frosty weather

It’s official- last Friday morning we got our first frost of the fall, followed by another on Monday morning. While first frosts are frequently fairly light, both so far this year have been quite heavy frosts, not clearing until well into the morning. While this marks the end of the “summer” season, plenty of crops still grow through and even benefit from early fall frosts. Brassicas in particular have a unique way of protecting themselves from freezing. As the temperatures drop, these plants increase the sugar content in the water inside the plant, which acts like antifreeze to lower the temperature at which the water inside the plants freeze. This...

Cole slaw and other greens

Fall is definitely in the air around the farm. Last week, we tilled in a huge chunk of the spring beds and put down a winter cover crop of rye and vetch, which the very rainy weather over the last few days has already helped to germinate. The fall spinach in the hoop house is putting on it’s first true leaves and the last bed of outdoor salad mix is beginning to grow in the field. As the weather cools and the days grow shorter, more and more fall crops are appearing on our market table. Last week marked the first harvest from both our broccoli and cabbage plants. Cabbage...


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