Archive for May 27, 2017


May 2017 Photo Shoot

The strange weather continues as we finish up an unusually cool week that immediately followed several 90+ degree days at the end of last week. Still, everything in the garden seems to be happily growing bigger and bigger with this mix of sun and rain. The first garlic scapes are emerging from the garlic plants (more on this next week) and I’m harvesting more kale than even I know what to do with!...

Looking forward

For anyone waiting with baited breath (as we were), everything has gone well so far with inspections on the farm-to-be. The soil tests came back showing everything well within normal ranges. We still have to wait for the current owner to get the well tested, but as the home has been lived in consistently, that will hopefully not present any problems. If everything continues to move forward as expected, we plan to be making our move to West Virginia by early July. One of the sad parts of making this big step forward is that we have to sell our current home and therefore our current wonderful garden. Our real estate agent recommended we...

Working around cucumber beetles

Remember those pesky little cucumber beetles I talked about a few times last year? Shown in the picture above (taken last year), they cause double damage by creating scar marks on crops in the cucurbit family like squash and cucumber and transmitting a disease called bacterial wilt that can kill the entire plant. They tend to get to work early, making their first appearance in the late spring even though they prey on heat-loving summer crops, which means that they can definitely do some damage to young cucumber and squash plants when they first get planted outside. As we near the first frost dates around our region and it gets to...

New beginnings

It’s been a busy couple of weeks and as the garden continues to grow, we’ve actually got our own big change in the works. A week ago, we had our offer accepted on a property outside of Shepherdstown, West Virginia where we plan to relocate our family and start our farm! Staying true to my love of small scale, we’ve been targeting properties with about 2- 2.5 open acres, with the goal of having an acre and a half in production. While we love Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, our research showed us that the D.C. metro area offers much more in the way of market outlets for local produce. That, added to the...


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