Archive for July 27, 2020


Insect helpers

Every year on the farm is different in a variety of ways from the weather to the crops we decide to grow. This year, we’ve noticed some significant differences in pest and disease pressure. On the downside, we’ve experienced, for the first time, some pretty heavy disease pressure on our cucumber foliage. On the positive side, we’ve seen a huge uptick in beneficial insect populations and a corresponding decrease in insect pests. Early in the season, our eggplant were covered in aphids. Within a week of planting, they were also covered in ladybugs, which eat aphids, and soon the aphid problem had disappeared! Another beneficial insect that has become one...

Hot & dry

This has been the hottest summers we’ve had since starting the farm and it has also been an overall very dry year. After the first year and a half, where we had record rainfalls, we’ve received very little rain since last fall. Fortunately, most of our plants growing right now are those that we can easily irrigate. We use drip irrigation tubing, which lies directly on top of the soil and delivers a slow drip of water to the ground. This not only provides the plants with the water they need, but also helps keep the leaves dry, which is an important tool in preventing foliar diseases.  One of the...

Summer weather

We’re in the midst of a seemingly endless wave of summer heat and doing our best to work in the cooler hours of the morning and evening whenever possible. With the increased heat comes other changes as well. The level and type of pest pressure starts to shift as we enter real summer weather. Colorado Potato Beetles, which despite their name tend to be more of an issue with us on eggplant rather than potatoes, are coming into their element as one of the most unpleasant-looking bugs of the season! Their small white larvae eat in groups and can decimate an eggplant leave in a surprisingly short period of time....


We’ve been lucky the last couple of years. We’ve had hail storms throughout the county and some that have even seemed to skip directly over us, hitting locations on either side but bypassing us, but yesterday we were finally the epicenter. Around 7pm, as I was reading to our son before bed, a huge storm blew through, knocking down limbs and trees and power lines and dropping large hail for several minutes. We headed out as soon as we could to look at the damage. The main victims seem to have been those plants with broad leaves. The tomatoes and carrots, with their abundance of small leaves, are showing little...


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