Archive for August 24, 2017


Bugs and sprouts

So I lasted about 6 weeks with no garden. As I’ve probably mentioned, I love growing greens- kale, lettuce, arugula, raab- really anything leafy has got a special place in my heart. The kale and cabbage from our garden in Pennsylvania lasted for a of couple weeks after our move, but once those ran out, I knew I’d only last so long before having to grow more of my own. It’s tough to find locally grown greens in the heat of summer and even the ones I did find just weren’t the same as eating what I grew myself, so I guess putting in a garden so quickly isn’t much...

The lay of the land

Summer moves on, peach season is upon us, and while not having a garden of our own is always a bummer, it is actually providing us with a great reason to check out all of the local food options in our area. We’ve ventured out to multiple farmers markets, the nearest food co-op, and are even lucky enough to have an on-farm market just 3 minutes from our house that is open six days a week. Not only is it nice to have access to so much great local produce, this is also helping us do valuable market research in advance of running our own farm next season. It’s helpful...

Welcome to West Virginia!

It’s been a crazy few weeks what with moving, starting to settle in, and beginning work on the land, so apologies for the gap in posting. At this point, we are mostly unpacked in the house and have been concentrating on getting the “big picture” work done outside. So far, we’ve had a neighbor come in to mow the several-feet-high grass and had the trees removed from the field we plan to plant.  As we start to live and work on the new property, I thought this would be the perfect time for an initial photo shoot to introduce everyone to our new project. Hopefully by next year, we’ll be...


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