Archive for October 28, 2016


October Photo Shoot

We’ve had a chilly end to the month and it feels like winter is really on its way. This past week we had our first frost. I left the eggplant and tomato plants to fend for themselves. It’s good that I harvested off most of the edible fruit, as both suffered some serious frost damage to their leaves. We’re planning to start the big job of pulling them out this coming weekend. I decided to cover the peppers, which still had much more fruit on them, in order to protect them from the frost and that did the trick! We’ll be able to keep harvesting peppers for a least a little longer....

Peppers galore!

Fall is the time of year when most people think of harvesting greens and root crops from the garden. However, one thing that I always have a huge amount of in the fall is peppers. Because I like to harvest sweet peppers when they “color”, as opposed to what we think of as green peppers, it takes a good while for them to ripen. Therefore, I end up bringing in a majority of the harvest from mid-August onwards. And by this point, our fridge is more or less packed with peppers! Over the years, as with many other crops, I’ve narrowed my focus to growing the pepper varieties I particularly like- Carmen and...

A slower time

It’s been another rough couple of weeks as I try to recuperate from yet another cold! At least this time of year isn’t the worst to be forced to take a break. During the summer, even a few days away from the garden can lead to an unmanageable amount of backed-up work. However, right now is the sweet spot of the season. It’s still warm enough that everything is producing and therefore we don’t yet need to start the big job of ripping out plants and preparing the beds for winter. At the same time, it has cooled off enough that growth has slowed on both the crops and the weeds, meaning harvesting...

Rain and critters

Well there’s nothing better than waking up on a rainy morning to find that your entire tomato trellis has collapsed sideways onto the peppers and eggplant! So instead of getting to enjoy the relaxing morning of sitting inside and drinking cocoa that I had imagined while lying in bed and listening to the rain, Mike and I got to don our rain gear, stick Caleb into his stroller under the front porch, and try to pull thirty feet of sopping wet tomato plants back to a vertical position. I will be the first to admit blame here- as you know, the first section of tomato trellis collapsed on itself a couple of...


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