Archive for April 27, 2022


Hot and Cold

Springs in the mid-Atlantic are always a bit of a roller coaster, but the last couple of weeks have been even wilder than usual. For the past month, we’ve experienced highs from the 70s down to the 30s and last week was probably the best example of this. On Easter Monday, we received several inches of snow and the following Sunday, we ate dinner outside enjoying temperatures in the 80s! What a shift. While April snow is not unheard of, it definitely threw an unexpected wrench in our farm work. Once we accepted that the snow did not seem likely to stop, we had to hurry outside in order to...

We’re back!

Welcome to another season! This Saturday is the first week of the Burke market and we’re looking forward to seeing you there! (We will be joining the Shepherdstown market starting Sunday, May 8.) The farm is already full of crops, some ready to harvest, some just sprouting. This week’s harvest list is below, but in the coming weeks we will be adding more and more items. As the weather warms, you will see kale, collards, peas, hakurei turnips, and many other tasty options join the market table! One of the most exciting items this week is the green garlic. Green garlic is only around for a few weeks each spring....


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